UNTOLD Festival Looks With Optimism to 2021’s Edition

The team behind UNTOLD Festival is working hard to make their 2021 event happen. As the pandemic moves towards being “under control”, governments around the world are studying possibilities to hold large events this summer. One of the most prestigious summer festivals, UNTOLD, is putting in a lot of effort in order to celebrate from the 5th to 8th of August in Romania.

As a consequence of the COVID pandemic, UNTOLD could not take place in 2020 (like every single big music festival). Now, the situation is starting to improve and some countries are experimenting with open-air festivals in order to determine which steps to follow before allowing these celebrations.

UINTOLD festival

UNTOLD Festival is fighting to bring a huge celebration. We must remember that this event gathers more than 100,000 people in every edition. Make sure to check 2019’s aftermovie if you do not know the festival yet. The organization is doing what it’s possible to bring joy to its fans and shared a special announcement.

UNTOLD Festival Announcement

Heroes of UNTOLD,

That #UntoldMagic you have craved is so close… we can taste it! The magic field and feelings, the friends, the best crowd, artists and DJs in this world…

We all miss it so much and we all deserve it to happen this year, as we know it. We are doing our best efforts to open the gates this year and offer you an uncompromising 2021 UNTOLD edition. As we’re writing this, a collective superhuman effort is continuously going to keep doing the festival as you remember it, as you deserve and love it, with world-class musicians in an incredible real-life fantasy, in the home of UNTOLD, in Cluj-Napoca.

You are the best crowd in the world and we can’t wait to live once again the magic close to each other. Know that we are working the hardest we’ve ever worked to make the real-life fantasy you know and love to happen this year. Fingers crossed, Heroes of UNTOLD! Magic keeps us together! Always yours,


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