U.S. FDA Policy Ban on E-Cigarette Flavors

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new policy to restrict the manufacturing, distributing, and selling of flavored e-cigarette cartridges. Aside from tobacco and menthol, there will be a cease in the production of other flavors. This is a response to the rise in youth using e-cigarettes and a legislative attempt to fight against it. According to federal survey data in 2019, more than five million middle and high school teenagers said they vaped e-cigarette products. The FDA believes that by banning flavored e-cigarettes, it’ll avoid providing a gateway into nicotine use and addiction for teens. This new FDA policy is expected to take effect in February.

In the future, manufacturers will have to submit an application to the FDA for pre-market authorization of the product. So far, there are no e-cigarette products that have been authorized by the FDA. Furthermore, there are still people who believe that the actions that have been taken so far are not enough.

What do you think about the ban?

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