Joseph Capriati Forgives Father in Latest Update

A few days ago, Joseph Capriati’s agency had issued a short statement reassuring fans that the DJ’s stab wounds were “not life-threatening“. Now, fans can really let out a sigh of relief with an update from Capriati himself.

Posted across his socials, Capriati takes the time to thank “all of you, my relatives, friends, acquaintances, and the many DJs and promoters” for all the affection received over the past few days.

In terms of his health, Capriati shared that he had only just re-gathered the strength to speak this morning. But thankfully, “doctors say that the worst is over now”. This comes after a delicate pneumothroax surgery and blood transfusion at the Sant’Anna e San Sebastiano Hospital in Caserta, Italy.

He continues his heartfelt post with a small request – for “some respect for my father and family”. It’s certainly easy to judge as an outsider, but as Capriati himself has very well said, “I and none of you have the power and duty to judge what happened”.

Perdono mio padre per il folle gesto e prego tanto per lui. Ora penso a guarire. A presto. (“I forgive my dad for the crazy act and pray for him so much. Now I think about getting better. See you soon.”)

Joseph Capriati

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