Introducing byDJBLVD and his musical story so far | INTERVIEW !

byDJBLVD has no doubt been making an impact within Electronic Music over the past few months: continually delivering unmissable tracks, his music has been elevating the energy within the genre, taking it to new groovy sonic heights as fans around the globe become drawn in by his infectious vibes. As he joins us in conversation, unveiling more about his creativity and musical motivations, we learn more about the talent that lies behind this exciting and refreshing figure.

So, sit back and enjoy as we present this exclusive interview with byDJBLVD.

Hi byDJBLVD, how are you?

What’s up, family?! I’m doing good, thanks for asking. I’m glad to be sitting down with you and chatting about my creativity process — let’s get into it!

Can you start by telling us, what inspires you to create? 

Sure! I feel like this is such a loaded question. Everything on this planet inspires me to create. Really — just the act of opening my eyes to a new day inspires me to create something. And it doesn’t have to be artistic-focused. One of the beauties of opening our eyes to another 24 hours is that we can create or change something different than we did the day before. I like to channel many of my emotions and daily events through my musical creations. Whether I’m anxious, sad, lonely, empowered or satisfied with the world around me and my existence, it always finds its way out through my music.

In my opinion, it’s essential to create from simplicity. There doesn’t always need to be a grand story behind it — simply waking up is enough for me.

Do you have a routine that helps you to get your creativity flowing?

I hope I’m allowed to say this during the interview — yes! My routine to get the creative juices flowing always involves one crucial item: cannabis. Let me preface this by saying that in no way, shape, or form am I promoting the use of it or any drug in this interview. However, for me, a long-time user for health reasons, it’s how I relax and set my mind at ease. Once my mind is at ease, I replay my day or week in my head. I likely saved many songs on Spotify with elements or grooves I decided to include in my next production or mix. I probably wrote something down in my notepad to come back to. Or maybe I need to vent some emotions through chords and keys. Whatever the case, I always take a good 15-30 minutes to allow myself to think and feel what I want the story of my production or mix to demonstrate to the audience.

After I get out of my head, I grab some water or tea, maybe a snack, and begin producing. Tea is a staple in my household, preferably orange jasmine, ginger mango or peppermint. You know what comes next, the actual production. I get up from my desk about every hour to keep my body semi-warm, get some new energy going and then jump back into it. It’s important to avoid getting stuck at the desk for hours and stretch every so often.

Do you ever struggle with lacking creative motivation? If so, what do you do to overcome this?

Like many artists, I too, struggle with a lack of creative motivation from time to time. One thing I’ve learned to help overcome these creativity droughts is to lean into them. Trying to fight through your creative blocks and thinking you’ll come out on the other side with a new idea is counterproductive to me. Sometimes, we don’t have it in us to create at the moment, and that’s okay. Forcing yourself to create usually means you’re trying to battle through something more profound than you’re going through, in my opinion.

Give yourself breaks, and allow yourself time to go back to older works and listen for what you’d like to change during the next creative session. Think about what inspired you to create previously and try to channel the same emotions that were triggered then. My point is to allow yourself to go through your motions emotionally, mentally, and physically, and your creative droughts will come to an end much quicker.

Are there any other creative activities that you enjoy outside of music?

You know, I’m rarely ever asked this question, and I’m so glad you did. Thanks. Outside of music, I love cars, fitness, hiking and travelling. I’ve loved cars and working out since I was a kid. When I was young, my dad had a lot of vehicles, including a Corvette. Clearly, that rubbed off on me. Today, I’m primarily into British, Japanese and American motorworks, especially American muscle. For those who are also into cars, I have a Honda Civic coupe, which was my first baby, and a built Dodge Charger 392 that takes too much of my money.

In terms of talking fitness, I ran track and field through school and university. While in university, I also participated in a couple of weightlifting competitions. I feel my experiences with fitness have shaped my life across the board, instilling strong levels of discipline in everything I do. I attribute much of my success to my dedication to the gym.

More recently, I’ve gotten into hiking and travelling outside the US. I’ll be the first to admit living in the US, you realize how much of a bubble people think the world really is. It’s almost tone-deaf how they don’t realize the rest of the world exists or doesn’t operate around the US. I love travelling to other countries, exploring new cultures, meeting people and, if I’m DJing, sharing my love of music. For every new destination, I have to hike. It’s the most peaceful thing in the world to me. In 2024, I hope to make it to Switzerland, Portugal, London (again), and Amsterdam for ADE!

How have you set up your studio space in a way that inspires you to create?

Another unique question! My studio space is set up to be as minimal as possible. One mistake I made at the beginning of my music production career was misunderstanding that less is more most of the time. You don’t need a million MIDI tools or screens to create great work.

I have one 27-inch curved monitor, two JBL speakers to my left and right, a MIDI keyboard hidden beneath my desk and mood lights that change every hour to liven my mood a bit. I cringe when I see studios filled with a bunch of screens, knobs, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the level of creativity that can likely be fostered in those spaces, but it seems like it would give me anxiety.

What was the last thing that inspired and influenced one of your productions?

The last thing that inspired the current song I’m working on, which may be my biggest release to date (fingers crossed), was some old pictures I found on my phone back in London and Paris. I took some photos where people expressed love for something, whether in nature, toward an object or with each other. The images of people showing affection for each other stood out the most. And it was as simple as a couple holding hands. When I looked back at the images, I thought of how happy they must’ve been in that moment and how that could be personified by dancing with each other like no one else was around.

When you listen to the new song, you’ll hear exactly what I’m describing through a woman’s POV.

How do you relax after creating?

I am going to shamelessly plug my TV shows that help me relax after I’m done creating, and they’re both on the app Max (previously HBO Max). One show, The Life and Times of Tim, is a hilarious, dry comedy show about a 25-year-old in New York who can’t seem to get it right. Its dull animation and slow pacing are the kicker for me — it oddly brings life to the show. The other show is called Joe Pera Talks with You. Now, this show is like a beer. The more you watch, the more you craft a “taste” for it and can appreciate it. The show is about a regular guy experiencing everyday things in his incredibly everyday life. What’s unique about the show is how he finds beauty in the simplest of activities and objects.

Both of these shows are gentle reminders to slow down, laugh a little and enjoy life. I encourage you to watch them both and let me know if you like them.

Is there a time of day that you feel more inspired to create: morning, afternoon, or evening?

I feel inspired to create across the day. However, I can only focus on creating once my daily activities and “adulting” for the day are done. Usually, that’s at night. Because of this, I’ve become diligent in writing down things that catch my eyes or ears during the day. They’re small reminders to revisit them when I’m in a ready state to create.

Are you ever inspired by other creative mediums like film, literature, or art?

Another excellent question and a perfect one to end on — yes, again! 80s and 90s films and footage heavily inspire me. Some of my favorite films include Scarface, Menace II Society and A Goofy Movie (weird, right?) Art from the 50s to the 90s is also a significant point of inspiration for me. I pull something different from each decade, always something new. I’m very much into video games, so naturally, I get a lot of inspiration from the games I play. One of the biggest gaming inspirations for me will always be Fallout.

I’m slowly getting back into literature — the last book I read was when I was travelling across Europe. It was “Wabi Sabi” by Beth Kempton. It is a fantastic book about appreciating life’s simple things and ageing’s progression. I pull from many areas, and these are just a few. If you’re reading this, share where I should find some inspiration next!

As we close out our interview with byDJBLVD, we thank him for taking the time to speak with us and look forward to hearing more of his captivating music soon; with such a passionate love for his craft, one that sees him drawing inspiration from a variety of influences, byDJBLVD no doubt remains a talent high on the list of Producers and DJs to watch out for within Electronic Music. So, make sure to follow him across social media to stay in the know about his next releases and live shows. 

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