Interview: Perttu On Maintaining His 'Damage Control'

We’re pleased to welcome Perttu into the spotlight this week, as he chats through his latest single ‘Damage Control.’ This stunning sound landed at the end 2019 and he already has fresh music on the way this month. Drawing his inspirations from an array artists and genres, get to know Perttu better in our exclusive interview…

Thanks so much for joining us! Where would you say your earliest musical inspirations came from?

Hi, thank you for having me! I have fuzzy memories from the time I was 5-6 years old a building drum-kit out toys. I made my younger sister to play the Casio and the rest the family enjoyed the show in the living room.

My father used to work at the National Opera and always dragged us children there. All my 6 siblings had very different tastes so that also brought diversity in to my early musical experiences.

My first introduction to music industry happened when I was seven years old and I collected recyclable beer cans from the local studio “Seawolf Studios” – located on my home island. There were always some rock band around recording their albums. Somehow I was mesmerised by all that: funny people and all this very exciting technology. (And their cool seahorse logo).

How do you feel your sound has changed since you first started out? Is it constantly evolving or do you feel comfortable in one certain style right now?

I started as a progressive metal and rock drummer.  I was also always interested in learning piano. I started to listen to electronic music in 2011 and a few years later I started to produce electronic music. In the past few years, while I was signed to Universal Germany, I have written lot pop and vocal-orientated music with different lyricists and this is the material I am currently releasing. I am also interested to develop more club-orientated sounds in the future.

How would you sum up your vibe as a producer?

Positive, playful, light, deep.

Whose music are you particularly feeling right now?

Oh too many to pick few… depends on the mood. Alice Phoebe Lou. The Parcels. Tom Misch. Men I Trust. Kygo. Skrillex. Ramsey Lewis. I don’t know, too many good ones.  Lot also 80’s classics!

How do you want people to feel listening to ‘Damage Control’?

I always want people to feel like they could fly. Empowered and energetic.



Are you happy with how it turned out, and how it’s been received?

I am very happy about how it sounds. I love Dom’s voice! He is so talented! I’ve got lot loving feedback from listeners. The support from radio and Spotify playlisting has been surprisingly good, considering it is my first release with my own indie label.

Talk us through your approach to making a new tune…

First I have to connect with my inner Morpheus to build dreamy state mind. I want to create a world. It can be anything. Usually I’d like to think something like a seahorse swimming at Oceania’s corals… hehe.

Sometimes melodies just spontaneously spark in my mind. Thanks to my iPhone’s Voice Memo app, people on the street probably think I am a crazy person. Chord-wise I just start playing around with synths and then follow my intuition.

About lyrics: I haven’t written lyrics much. I’ve got stories and sometimes write short poems, but to write actual full lyrics I need help from a more experienced writer. Then we tweak the lyrics together while recording and come up with harmonies.

What do you have on the horizon for 2020?

To release the music I’ve created in past years. At the same time I’m going to work on something completely new. I hope I can also enter the cinematic music world in few years…



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