Nance introduced himself into the public eye as a filmmaker with his 2012 Sundance Film Festival debut, “An Oversimplification of Her Beauty.” He produced V O R T E X, his debut album, along with the help of long-time friends and collaborators Solomon Dorsey, Nick Hakim, and Nelson Bandela.
Most of the songs on the 11-track album are arranged as diptychs that “swell and fold in on themselves in a dizzying oscillation,” we’re told. Nance highlights Stevie Wonder as a major source of inspiration.
Sonically, we’re told that the record defies easy categorisation but is forged with the same spirit of experimentation as Andre 3K, Solange, Serpentwithfeet, Nelson Bandela, and Moses Sumney. And also, Brainfeeder head Flying Lotus.
V O R T E X also draws on the literature of Louise Erdrich and Toni Morrison, as well as the drawings of Ruby Amanze, whose voice is featured on the album.
01. V O R T E X 02. Terence’s — Love 03. In Contemplation of Clair’s Scent 04. Stay 05. Infinince or Infinity? 06. Dragon 07. I Miss Things I Never Had 08. Sanity Envy 09. A Moment of Disguise 10. The Merchant of Flatbush 11. (S)he Forgets
V O R T E X LP is scheduled for August 19 release. Meanwhile, you can pre-order here and stream “In Contemplation of Clair’s Scent” in full below.